If you’re anything like me, you
hold onto people even if they treat you poorly because you love and care about
them. If you’ve learned your boundaries, congratulations and what’s your
secret? I’m still working on those. I am a people hoarder. I don't know how to cut people out of my life. I choose to see the good in everyone. I see their potential, and I hold
onto that because I’ve convinced myself it’s there. I am a person that gives
ample opportunity for someone to change. I give endless chances. This is
probably the worst thing I continuously do to myself. It has gotten to the point where I kept letting
someone hurt me and return so many times that at this point; it’s my own fault.
However, last month, I finally cut off the
person who had me in this endless cycle. It took substantially hurting my feelings, but I did it. Breaking the cycle was one of the
hardest things I’ve tried to do. Honestly, I’m still working on the
acceptance part. It’s the acceptance of reality that’s the hardest. It’s the
realization that someone who truly cares about you doesn’t treat you like
recycling. I've allowed this person to come and go as they please as if my life has a
revolving door. I have no more room for narcissits in my life. *In my best AOL voice* – “Goodbye.”
I think it’s good to give people second chances. I think it’s good to see the best in a person. I
think it’s good to love
unconditionally. But it’s also good
to set your boundaries, and accept
the heartbreaking realization when enough is enough.
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